Published inThe Fox and the Oligarch The unbelievable case of Bouvier vs. RybolovlevEpisode 10 | Asymmetric loyaltiesOn Wednesday 4 March 2020, Geneva’s head prosecutor, Yves Bertossa, held a new hearing in the Rybolovlev v. Bouvier case. Our story is now…Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
Published inThe Fox and the Oligarch The unbelievable case of Bouvier vs. RybolovlevEpisode 9 | The final sale and the first doubtsIt might well be Mark Rothko’s most beautiful work, but it has been slumbering in a crate in Singapore Freeport for the past five years…Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
Episode 8 | Yves Bouvier’s free ports halted in mid-boomYves Bouvier used to be known as the “freeport king”. He was in the process of building an empire, with franchises all over the world…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
Published inThe Fox and the Oligarch The unbelievable case of Bouvier vs. RybolovlevEpisode 7 | Yves Bouvier’s Paris honey-trap for a high-ranking Swiss tax officialBack to the former escort Sarah and her special assignments. This time, the Genevan businessman’s instructions are to seduce a super…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
Episode 6 | A tale of two escorts: Sarah, who becomes a spy; and Zahia, who becomes a starThe “Zahia affair”, named after the French-Algerian call girl who slept with the French footballers Ribéry and Benzema, resurfaced in…Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Published inThe Fox and the Oligarch The unbelievable case of Bouvier vs. RybolovlevEpisode 5 | A war of detectivesThey had known each other for 13 years. Their relationship was intense, at least in financial terms, generating two billion francs in…Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
First feedbacks from Heidi Gender Tracker, the algorithm that tracks women representation in our…By Sarah Sermondadaz, science section editor at & Heidi Gender Tracker project leaderDec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Published inThe Fox and the Oligarch The unbelievable case of Bouvier vs. RybolovlevEpisode 4 | “Yves Bouvier was like a hot-air balloon. His feet no longer touched the ground.”Where we learn how the margins Yves Bouvier applied to his sales to Dmitry Rybolovlev helped his business fortunes soar. These allowed the…Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
Episode 3 | The fox and the oligarchThe first favour Yves Bouvier did for Rybolovlev, free of charge, amounted to a charm offensive that, like La Fontaine’s fox, lured the…Dec 1, 2020Dec 1, 2020
Published inThe Fox and the Oligarch The unbelievable case of Bouvier vs. RybolovlevEpisode 2 | Running on adrenalineYves Bouvier started out with nothing — or as good as. His father was first a model apprentice and then an employee before finally buying…Nov 26, 2020Nov 26, 2020